First i want to thanks my church family that is always there and been supporting to whatever i do is the family i have chosen and been my mom so far away are the ones i go to at every sign of trouble and they always there.
Lucas is my other little wonder now he will start school Monday and i feel so bless we had the teacher interview Friday and he didn't want to leave the place he is in so much need of other people in his life the mom baby routine is getting to be too old for him.
That will probably give me a little extra time to get back on track into the cookies for nursing place we were into before but Christmas got us set back and we never been back since shame on us .
Although i have to say i do believe we did got much more out of that than them we love those hugs and kisses as much as they did not to mention the free wisdom advice we got for free :)
I will be adding some more recipes i love to cook and try new things or should i say let others try yes that is right i don't like sweet but is what i like to cook the most weird huh!
I hope if you been on my blog you check out the mother's ambassador program i do believe is going to be a great thing to do in our community southern cooking is so yummy but is not very healthy so we need to find our balance between healthy and yummy....
Hard for me to keep on track literally .oh! well if you get to know me better you will get use to not!
I am also so glad my friend is recovering from her surgery at home i love her like a sister she is such a lovable person thanks so much for everyone that pray for her .
Love your church
Love your Family
Love your friends
here goes my love out and hugs and kisses hoping to make your day a little better TTYL! and remember usually the little things are the ones that make us happier